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Quest Bars Box (12 bars)

We are happy to make you a mixed box of bars. Simply specify which flavours you'd like at the checkout

Quest are excited to announce the next step in the evolution of Quest Bars! Just like S'mores and Mint Chocolate Chunk, all 18 flavors will now be made with soluble corn fiber instead of IMO fibre. This ingredient upgrade means all Quest Bars will stay softer longer and withstand heat better (and they bake unbelievably well). It's the best bar experience yet!

Our Ingredients

We actually believe that you are what you eat. That's why Quest from the beginning has always invested in cutting-edge ingredients to create products with clean nutritional profiles that taste like you're eating something unhealthy. We like to eat. And we want it to be fun! Cheat meals without the cheating.

To accomplish this, we make sure to use the highest quality ingredients available.

Sugar, for instance, doesn't even exist at our facility. The only sugar in our bars comes from things like the nuts and freeze-dried fruit. Every sweet, mouthwatering bite of a Quest Bar is the result of painstaking trial and error to discover the most insanely delicious ingredients that promote a healthy lifestyle.

We even manufacture the inclusions that we put in our bars. The chocolate crumbles in Cookies & Cream and the white chocolate chunks in the White Chocolate Raspberry, we make those from scratch. It's the only way to get the perfect taste and nutritional profile you come to expect from Quest.

We recognized a need to break the nutritional rut of the food industry with sweet innovation by applying up-to-date nutrition science to novel ingredients.

As science brings us new answers, you can count on us to react accordingly and still create the most exhilarating, mind-blowing food products that make healthy eating fun again.

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