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Pro-Series Arginine Nitrate

First popularised as a Growth Hormone releaser, Arginine has more recently become popular for its ability to increase production of the messenger molecule Nitric Oxide (NO). The key benefit of NO to athletes, is it's ability to relax smooth muscle, thereby increasing blood flow to the muscles.

ARGININE NITRATE takes this Nitric Oxide releasing capacity a step further, with the inclusion of a Nitrate molecule. Nitrates have been shown to improve cardiovascular health due to their own, extremely potent
Nitric Oxide releasing effect.

ARGININE NITRATE is most often taken by power athletes and bodybuilders prior to training, to increase NO levels - providing increased muscle pump (which may increase nutrient transport to muscles), plus greater strength, energy and endurance.

ARGININE NITRATE may also be suitable as a night time supplement, taken on an empty stomach before bed, alone, or in conjunction with other GH releasers.

100g - 50 serves
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